Because I Do Not Knit With My Toes

Or, Ode to an Ankle.

I am thankful that I do not knit with my toes.

Sprained Ankle
For, if I knit with my toes, I would be far more upset at myself for tearing a ligament.

If I knit with my toes.

Thankfully, I do not knit with my toes*. Therefore, thankfully, this injury has not stopped me from knitting wooly goodness on a snowy day.

Traditional knit wool mittens

These will eventually transform into mittens for the bearded fellow. Eventually.

Oh, the foot? Let’s just say that I will not be winning any fancy awards for my rather-enthusiastic-cross-country-ski-clad-gymnastics in the snow this past weekend.

I am forever grateful to the designer who decided that ski boots should be supportive, rigid, and tight enough to allow the wearer to cross-country ski for several miles, over hill and dale, without the slightest hint of injury.

Until the wearer takes the boot off, that is.

Libby Hill Forest Cross-Country Ski Trails, Gray, Maine

It was a rather spectacular day to be on the trails, unknowingly gimpy or not.

*If you knit with your toes, please do prepare your mailbox for the thousands of handcrafted high-fives that will soon arrive.

2 thoughts on “Because I Do Not Knit With My Toes

  1. Bummer about the ankle! Gotta love sports injuries though…they’re much better than admitting that you dislocated a shoulder while making the bed (I have a friend who that happened to recently). Ankle injuries are always good for the knitting. 🙂

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